the beginning...

of the end...yes, this is really happening.
I am going to graduate.

We talked about induction and the last GAL meeting at our meeting tonight. This really is my last GAL meeting. Where have the last three years gone?

I should be hearing about a GA position this week (hopefully). I can't help but feel optimistic...
feel hope well up within my soul.

Yes, there is the fear that I won't be offered a job as a GA, but the hope still remains. Yes, it will feel like a crash landing if I am not offered a job, but at the same time I would rather endure the crash for the joy of having soared for a few moments.

I just discovered tonight, that I actually don't have an assignment due tomorrow for my research...and I think I have a solution figured out for the problem I ran into while developing my model. My research is slowly, painfully, but surely developing into a concrete paper. What a relief!

And tomorrow is my only day of class this week because we have Thursday and Friday off for Spring Holiday (aka Easter).

And this is my favorite holiday!!

And my favorite time of the year!

Today I was reveling in the joy that flowers, a cardinal sighting, and budding trees give me.

Some food for thought:
"Indeed God is great and we do not know Him."
Job 36:10

Peace out yo!


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