
I am so drained. I think the weather has officially taken its toll on me. I need some sunshine. I suppose some sleep wouldn't hurt either, but I would choose the sun over sleep right now.

On the bright side--I saw the first daffodil today, and it gave me hope that Spring is actually on its way. There will once more be beautiful weather and warm temperatures and flowers and warm Spring rains. O Joy!

I had my first advising appointment with my graduate advisor today. It went well, and I am looking forward to working with her in the future. She told me that she thinks I have a fair shot at a GA job, and that gave me a lot of hope.

My work hours change today, so I'm closing tonight...I hope I last that long. We had an intense discussion in my human sexuality class today about gay marriage. After about 15 minutes of hearing how Christians are dictating to other people how to live, I had about enough. It is not Christians preventing gays from marrying. It is the law. If you don't agree with the law, then you can change it. They already have in several states.

Don't get me wrong, I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, and if you ask my opinion about it, that's what I'm going to tell you. I believe that it is morally wrong for gays to marry. I believe the gay lifestyle is morally wrong, but they still have a choice. If that is how they are choosing to live their life, I can't make them choose differently. It's not my life. All I can do is love them and show them God in my life.

God loves each person who has chosen a gay lifestyle just as much as He loves me. It isn't my place to judge what they do. That power hasn't been given to me. It is only my place to love people, and I don't even do that well. Let's conquer one thing at a time.

Well, just about time for me to go to work...which means walking downstairs where there are people. Usually I don't have a problem being hospitable and social with people...tonight might be a challenge. Deep breath.

Peace out yo!


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