joy. beauty. peace.

I do not fancy myself a painter in any sense of the word. But occasionally I get the urge to finger paint. Perhaps it is my inner child trying to re-experience childhood. Tonight was one such time. I made a mix of my favorite worship songs, and I started painting. Below is a picture of my result.

Now let me tell you a bit more. I sat down to paint this for a specific person--my husband. My heart is aching badly to be at the point in my life where I am married, but I'm not there yet. Some way, some how this seemed to help ease that ache a bit. I was looking at it and not sure if I wanted to add some more yellow. I decided I was done for the night, though, and so I thought I would take a picture of it and blog. And when I took the picture, I realized that the yellow makes a heart shape (mas o menos). In which case I believe it to be perfect.

I'm going to hang it up after it is dry, as a reminder that my husband is out there, and that God's plan is still perfect.

In other news...Wednesdays are always the best days. I love them, so much. I just have to make it through tomorrow and then I'm on Spring Break. Two tests and an annotated bibliography to hand in...sigh.

I am so past even caring about my research class at this moment. I could care less...I just have to pass the class. I need to finish my GA application tomorrow, and I need to get my materials gathered to turn in with that. Just remembered something else I need to do...crap. Sometimes I just want life to stop for five seconds so that I can catch up...sigh...

Sign number two of the night...that means I need to get to sleep. Peace out yo!

I Can't Make You Love Me - Lee Ellen Starks


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