yes, i'm procrastinating
I freely admit it. My passionate dislike of all things having to do with research is once more creeping up on me. I have actually worked on it some today, and I have a paragraph so far, but sadly my enthusiasm has fizzeled and died a mildly tragic death...yep, there's no desire left there to continue...crap.
If I had done nothing today, I would probably feel worse, but I've actually had a very productive day, so I'm having a hard time feeling like I should be upset with myself.
I had a lovely quiet time this morning. The season I'm in right now is lovely because the Word is fresh and alive to me every morning. I love it!! God's presence is so sweet to me, and I am constantly in awe of Him!! I was talking to two of my GAL sisters this afternoon, and I realized how excited I get when I talk about God. He is soooo wonderful!!
After my quiet time, I went to deliver some sunshine. :) Oh, the wonderful joys of being a sunshine bear-er (I'm pretty sure that isn't a word...oh well).
Then I dropped off my application for an economics department scholarship. The application was due on the 5th, but they are going to ask the committee if they can take it late. I think it's silly because they haven't even started looking at them yet, and the committee member didn't even know when the deadline was. Either way it was worth a try.
I decided today that there is no disgrace in trying for something and failing. The disgrace only comes when you are unwilling to try for it in the first place.
I then finished getting everything together for my GA application. My last two recommendations are being submitted, and I am just waiting on one reference letter before my packet is complete. Can I just say it is a wonderful feeling to have someone completely in your corner? I am so blessed to have an amazing woman helping me out in this process, and it is such a blessing to have her in my life.
Then I started working on my paper...and I got a paragraph done before I ran out of enthusiasm.
Then we cleaned Potter's and then I got to do my favorite thing in the world...sit and talk with my GAL sisters about what is going on in their lives.
Then I went and got supper and started working on some homework for my Human Sexuality class that is due tomorrow as well. Let's face it, writing reflection journals for human sexuality is so much more interesting than finding articles about volunteerism in the United States.
And that finds us here. I am so ready to be done with research, and it's only just beginning.
I have my first graduate advising appointment tomorrow morning, when I am going to hand in my GA application. I'm half scared to death, and half excited beyond all measure. I guess I'm exactly where I am supposed to be.
I might be giving the devo at the GAL meeting tonight...I kind of hope that I get to because I have something that I really feel like we all need to hear. We'll see.
Well, I should get back to not procrastinating...sigh.
Peace out yo!
If I had done nothing today, I would probably feel worse, but I've actually had a very productive day, so I'm having a hard time feeling like I should be upset with myself.
I had a lovely quiet time this morning. The season I'm in right now is lovely because the Word is fresh and alive to me every morning. I love it!! God's presence is so sweet to me, and I am constantly in awe of Him!! I was talking to two of my GAL sisters this afternoon, and I realized how excited I get when I talk about God. He is soooo wonderful!!
After my quiet time, I went to deliver some sunshine. :) Oh, the wonderful joys of being a sunshine bear-er (I'm pretty sure that isn't a word...oh well).
Then I dropped off my application for an economics department scholarship. The application was due on the 5th, but they are going to ask the committee if they can take it late. I think it's silly because they haven't even started looking at them yet, and the committee member didn't even know when the deadline was. Either way it was worth a try.
I decided today that there is no disgrace in trying for something and failing. The disgrace only comes when you are unwilling to try for it in the first place.
I then finished getting everything together for my GA application. My last two recommendations are being submitted, and I am just waiting on one reference letter before my packet is complete. Can I just say it is a wonderful feeling to have someone completely in your corner? I am so blessed to have an amazing woman helping me out in this process, and it is such a blessing to have her in my life.
Then I started working on my paper...and I got a paragraph done before I ran out of enthusiasm.
Then we cleaned Potter's and then I got to do my favorite thing in the world...sit and talk with my GAL sisters about what is going on in their lives.
Then I went and got supper and started working on some homework for my Human Sexuality class that is due tomorrow as well. Let's face it, writing reflection journals for human sexuality is so much more interesting than finding articles about volunteerism in the United States.
And that finds us here. I am so ready to be done with research, and it's only just beginning.
I have my first graduate advising appointment tomorrow morning, when I am going to hand in my GA application. I'm half scared to death, and half excited beyond all measure. I guess I'm exactly where I am supposed to be.
I might be giving the devo at the GAL meeting tonight...I kind of hope that I get to because I have something that I really feel like we all need to hear. We'll see.
Well, I should get back to not procrastinating...sigh.
Peace out yo!
welcome to the procrastination blogging club ;-) K will be proud.