the beginning...
of the end...yes, this is really happening. I am going to graduate. We talked about induction and the last GAL meeting at our meeting tonight. This really is my last GAL meeting . Where have the last three years gone? I should be hearing about a GA position this week (hopefully). I can't help but feel optimistic... feel hope well up within my soul. Yes, there is the fear that I won't be offered a job as a GA, but the hope still remains. Yes, it will feel like a crash landing if I am not offered a job, but at the same time I would rather endure the crash for the joy of having soared for a few moments. I just discovered tonight, that I actually don't have an assignment due tomorrow for my research...and I think I have a solution figured out for the problem I ran into while developing my model. My research is slowly, painfully, but surely developing into a concrete paper. What a relief! And tomorrow is my only day of class this week because we have Thursday and Friday off for ...