on being a woman
I am no shrinking violet. Those who know me personally will attest to the truth of this statement. I am a highly capable individual. I have taken care of myself for a number of years, and growing up on a farm made me resourceful. If something broke I had to figure out how to fix it. If we ran out of something I had to figure out how to substitute or make due without it. I am far from helpless because I haven't always had someone to help me, and I have to admit that there is a part of me that kind of likes it that way. I like that I can take care of myself because I do not have to rely on someone else to figure things out for me. I don't depend on anyone to fix things for me. I am not a needy woman, and the longer I am single and on my own, the more independent and capable I become. Which is where I feel like I am getting caught because I look around me and I see men who are continually drawn to women who are needy and helpless. Damsels in distress so to speak. And it drives me...