embrace brokenness
I think that over the years I have been influenced by the culture I live in and the experiences I have had to be predisposed to think that personal brokenness is somehow a curse rather than a blessing. Society celebrates the people who seem to have it all together and criticizes the ones who don't. And this isn't even a recent phenomenon. Job's friends celebrated his life when everything was going well, but turned on him when life became bad. "There must be something wrong because you are experiencing brokenness," is the message that they spoke. And is that message any different today? Too often I find myself buying into the lie that brokenness means there is something wrong with me or in me. Yes, I do believe that brokenness can be a sign that something is wrong. But more often I think it is about something else entirely. Stay with me here because I think this will all make sense in the end. When I was on vacation I had the opportunity to go ...