Just Enjoy Me

This is what God keeps telling me to do.

I have been freaking out about running the half-marathon because I am no where near being on track with the training program.

And because of my ankle, I am not able to run completely or for any length of time right now. I am on strict walk/run orders and only for a distance of 2-3 miles.

I am so glad that God knows me and knows how much I have been stressing out about this.

As I was running yesterday, I wanted to keep running instead of stopping to walk for a bit. First off He told me that sometimes in life we need to just slow down and walk with Him instead of running.

Then I was upset because I don't feel like I am remotely ready and the half is in two weeks!

And this is what He told me: "Chill out. You are going to run it, so don't worry about it and just enjoy me."

God wants to be enjoyed.

I was talking with H this morning, and I am very firmly convinced that the "Love" holiday is not Valentine's Day, but Easter.

Easter is the celebration of the greatest gesture of love to ever happen. God wants us to celebrate that love and enjoy Him.

Slow down. Walk for a bit. Just enjoy God and His love. You are after all His radiant and glorious Bride, His Beloved.


  1. Love you and your heart. Glad you like Jenny and Tyler. You bring rest to my crazy heart.


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