Almost Finished

I'm almost done!!! Praise Jesus!! I have a group presentation tomorrow morning, and then I have to revise my short story for English class, and I'm finished except for finals. I love the end of the semester.

However, I do not love the idea of leaving everyone. I know that most of us will be back in the fall, but I feel kind of like my heart is being ripped out of my chest at the thought of being away from everyone for so long.

Yesterday at the ladies luncheon, K said that we all miss each other when we don't see each other everyday, and it is so true. I literally got to work this morning, and I already missed everyone, and it was only a little over 8 hours since I had seen them. There is something a little sick about that...that's pretty much just a good night's sleep...which is what I should be doing right now...8 AM class how I loath thee.

I am praying desperately for God to prepare my heart for this summer, and I am enjoying each moment that I get with my friends.

I'm trying to get my wireless router set up, but I don't know how to go about securing it yet, so I think I will try to figure that out tomorrow.

Tomorrow has many wonderful things in store. I am going to go on my first run since the half-marathon. I haven't ran since then, but not because of lack of desire to run, but merely because of lack of time. I also have book study at K's house and we are watching When Harry Met Sally, a movie I greatly enjoy. I will probably also spend some hangout time at PoHo.

Jesus and I had a good talk this afternoon, and my heart is at peace which is wonderful.

Also K and I officially decided that we are going to VI this we are just watching ticket prices...I'm so excited!!! I love the beach, and I have only been in that general area of the world once before, and as I love to travel, this is going to be a fantastic vacation!! I'm super excited!!

Well, I need to get to bed...Love, Hugs, and Kisses


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