
I'm rather frustrated right now. Well maybe not at this exact moment, but in general I am pretty frustrated.

I have applied for several jobs, and I have no job yet. I really need to get a job so I can start working and so I can replenish my savings account and pay for things...such as my summer vacation trip to VI.

I'm also frustrated because I thought I had my schedule all figured out for next semester, and then they canceled one of the classes I was registered for, so now I have to find another class to take, and of course all the ones I want to take are filled up or I have to have a prerequisite that I don't have.

I'm also frustrated because I want it to be August already, and it isn't.

I'm also frustrated because I went out to run in the rain, and then the rain pretty much disappointing.

I'm also frustrated because of the wireless internet at my parent's house. For some reason my computer and the wireless have issues and don't always want to connect for me.

Also my face is broken out because I've been stressed and traveling and eating bad and I stopped using cleaning products on it because of the chemicals, and I haven't had a chance to get good, all-natural cleaner yet.

On the Bright Side:

I'm going back to S-field in a couple of days for a bridal shower which should be tonnes of fun!!

I probably have a job cleaning a lady's house...I just need to find the number to call her.

I had a lot of fun with K over the last weekend.

I know God is faithful, and He will provide for me everything that I need.

August is only 2 months away.

I'm going to get some facial cleaner soon because B is ordering from Arbonne tomorrow. My skin will clear up.

I got to go for a run today which always makes me feel better.

I'm going to get to see friends this weekend and over the summer.

I think I will stop at IHOP on my way through KC sometime this weekend.

I got the book Song of the Bride in the mail today, and I'm super excited to dive into that as well as finish and start some other good books because I now have time to read!!!

Above all else...God is still God, and He still loves me especially on my messy days.


  1. MWAH, still praying for you love. Trust me, it'll be August before you know it. Enjoy the summer baby!


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