things to do

I have so many things to do today, but here I sit in the quiet of my room. M and K have gone to work. D is out and about somewhere. I really just want to go back to bed, but I really need to get going. So I'm stuck in this place where I'm not quite ready to start this day and so here I sit, trying to get ready to start the day.

I have a pond in my back yard. It wasn't there yesterday morning, but there it is today complete with an island that has a weeping willow tree on it. My dad is pretty amazing cause he built that pond yesterday.

Yesterday I applied for a job in the morning, and then I went and spent most of the day with Jesus at IHOP (not the pancake place, but the International House of Prayer). I also got to see K and H which was like balm for my soul. At one point during the day I got a picture text of the crew and almost started crying.

It was such an awesome quiet time, though. I already want to go back. I also went to the prophecy room, and God told me some amazing things, and I have a lot to talk with Him about.

Today, I need to go apply for some more jobs even though the one I already applied for is the one I really want. I won't know for a couple of days if that is the one God wants me to have.

God has really been burdening my heart for unity in the church, in the body of Christ. John 17:20-23 There is one body, one church, and yet we split it up into fractions and splinters. It's no wonder that the church has problems. We are called to be one that the world might know that God has sent us. Lord, make your church into one body, one church. Bring healing to the church and give us unity.

I get to see K again on Thursday when she comes up for our road trip to MT. :) Good times!!

Well, I have job searching awaiting me...peace!


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