
This song speaks straight to my soul every time my friend Lee Ellen sings it. What a blessing from God she is!!

I went on a very fast (for me anyway) 4 mile run this morning, and it felt really good. Then I picked 3 jalapeno peppers from the garden. I have 4 yellow bell peppers coming and lots of watermelon and butternut squash and pumpkins. I'm so excited for them to ripen. :)

I have a busy morning ahead of me. I need to clean my room/the house because my grandparents and aunt are stopping by on their way to Missouri today. I also need to make cookies for my sis to take to MN with her this weekend.

She introduced me to a song last night called "What do I know of Holy" by Addison Road. Soooo good!!

I also need to work on finishing up some projects. I have a table and chair to finish refinishing and I want to sew a jacket to go with the dress I made a couple weeks ago. I also think I might be in the mood to paint some more...we'll see.

I also need to shower!!! Peace yo!!


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