Balloons and Good Friends

My heart is so full right now. I am attempting to process some things, so I will probably use this to do so at this moment. I am still really processing a lot of what has happened this summer, and realizing that I have a lot of work ahead of me. Yet, I am a little nervous...I don't really like change, so I think I'm nervous about what will change if I actually accomplish all that is before me to do. I'm sure this isn't making any sense at all...sorry!

Last night was good...well, actually all day yesterday was good. In fact, the past 2-3 days have just been fantastic! I went to the chiropractor on Wednesday and I realized how much tension I carry around in my back and neck. He took x-rays and discovered a few things which are fixable and hopefully I can get corrected.

I went back today, and he showed me the x-rays. My lower back is a bit messed up and my pelvis is side is higher than the other which is causing my spine to compensate by leaning. So my body altogether is unbalanced. My head isn't on straight...hahaha...but seriously, it is crooked, and my neck has a reverse curve probably from the accidents I have been in. Which is what causes me to have headaches and neck tension. He did some test adjustments and it felt amazing!!! I haven't felt this good in a long while. At the same time, I'm not quite sure what to do about all of this. Finances are tight right now, and I spent more on books than I was expecting, and I just have this feeling that I'm going to need more books.

So that was this morning, back to last night for a moment. I had an amazing talk with the lovely LE and it was sooo good!! I did a lot of processing of things that happened this summer, and I am just a little overwhelmed at the moment.

Anyway...we blew up balloons for D and just generally had a great time hanging out...I'm so glad to be back at school, and now everyone else is getting back too.

Tootles for now!!


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