A Creature of Beauty

Lately I have really been pondering how my life would be different if I really, truly, deeply believed the things I believe. I mean believed them from the very core of my being. What would change? How would it effect my life? I think somehow I would be much more radical than I am now because Jesus was a radical rebel.

I was pondering this as I was running this morning, and the one question that really hit me was what if I truly believed God when He says that I am beautiful, if I truly believed I am the creature of beauty that He says I am?

Which lead me to this question which I am still pondering and probably will be for some time: how does a creature of beauty act?

I just have this feeling deep down inside that God is going to be making some radical changes in my life, and I am determined to ponder and meditate on the things that He tells me are Truth until they are so ingrained in my life that I actually do believe them.

Well, gotta run...breakfast date before church with K and then it's off to KC and tomorrow I'm gonna be in St. Croix!!! WooooHoooo!!! :)


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