Buenos tardes! Como esta? Bien!

Yes, I am supposed to be studying Spanish right now because I have class in 20 minutes, but instead I am sitting at my computer doing nothing that I need to be doing, but instead listening to music and watching the rainy day outside. At this moment I feel like all is right in the world.

K is in the office exclaiming over the beauty of fonts. I'm about ready to go to class and learn more Spanish. I saw L leaving earlier. Later L and K and I will be at Art Fest helping with the MP and then we will have prayer. Later still my family will be here and tomorrow we will leave for family vacation.

At this moment though, I am content and happy. Also I have an awesome story for you. God provides...always, 100% of the time, and in about 2 business days I will have an incredible gift of money from a scholarship that I received last spring, in the exact perfect timing that I needed it. And when I was filling out that scholarship form, I had no idea what-so-ever that I would be needing that right now. Wow!! How great is the God that I serve.

Hasta Luego...I'm headed to Spanish class...easy!


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