
Rest is important to normal, healthy functioning. Having too fast a pace of life is linked to increased risk of heart attack, hypertension (high blood pressure), ulcers, and increased risk of suicide. When we don't rest our bodies have no way to recuperate and heal themselves. It is while your body is sleeping at night that the different parts of you are able to heal. That's why when you are sick you are almost always sleepy...because your body is telling you to rest so it can fight off whatever is plaguing you.

Americans are horrible at resting. And think about it seriously...when was the last time you really took time to just rest and relax?? Even when we go on "vacation" we are still stressing about all the other things that need to be done. Even when we set aside time to rest, we aren't resting.

This is a difficult lesson to learn, especially in our society that is so driven and task oriented and always pushing to get to the top of the next ladder.

Nevertheless, it is still a lesson that must be learned if you want to live a healthy and well balanced life. Making a choice to take time to relax means that other things will be sacrificed. Choices require sacrifice. People face is an economic fact. You weigh the opportunity costs of the different activities and you make the choice that is best based on your cost/benefit analysis. Sorry if that's getting a little to technical and nerdy for you. My point remains - you will face a decision and something will lose.

I know that I frequently choose things over rest...right now for instance, I am choosing to blog instead of go to bed right now...despite only getting 5 hours of sleep last night (which was also a result of choosing something over rest). Often times I choose that people are more important than rest or school work is more important or Jesus time is more important.

But eventually I will choose rest. I'm getting better at it, but it's a slow process.

All that to say that I am looking forward to resting lots this week. I still have things to do, and it is going to be a busy week, but also a week with fewer responsibilities and few if any obligations.

Well, I'm gonna get some rest now...after I have some Jesus time.

Peace out yo!


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