a new spin on an old theme

Resting...it's important. Today is Sunday...according to my computer it still is Sunday for another 2 minutes...where did this day go?? Anyway...Sunday's are a day of rest for me. My Sabbath. Why?

God commands it...check it...in the 10 commandments...You shall keep the sabbath day and make it holy. Holy: set apart. It is not to be a day like all the other days...it is an expression of trust in God to provide for all our needs in 6 days while the rest of the world works for 7.

Also...I just need it. I need a day to take a break and just chill. I need a day that I don't cram full of other things to do. I need a day where it is okay for me to take an afternoon nap.

I don't remember when I decided that I wouldn't do homework on Sundays...I think it has been almost 2 years now. I decided that God gives me enough time the rest of the week to accomplish everything that I need to do without me craming one more day with homework, etc. I get violent about not doing my homework on Sundays...it kind of sucks when I'm in a group project, but for the most part I have stuck to it.

Today, however, was different. I have a large project due tomorrow...and it wasn't finished, not even remotely. That was supposed to happen Saturday, but other things interfered [intense conversations about predestination anyone?], so that left me with a lot of work and not nearly enough time tomorrow to do it.

And I have to say, today was one of the most restful days I have had in a long time. I went over to K's house to help with cleaning up from the bachelorette party last night, and then I stayed all afternoon and evening, just watching tv and working on my project.

Now I need some quiet time to finish out this day and then head to bed.

Last week of classes this week...only four days...it's gonna fly by. I can hardly believe that I am only a semester from graduating...it just can't be possible. Ahhhh!

K has gotten me interested in another tv series...White Collar. I watched basically the entire first season today. The new season doesn't start until January, and it left on a cliffhanger, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's next....oh tv.

Peace out yo! Easy.


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