
I sit down to write this post as I watch snow blowing by outside as if it is bent on reaching Oklahoma! (I just had to put that exclaimation point in there) K blogged that she won't be blogging much because she has nothing to procrastinate. I on the other hand blog because I have nothing better to do with my time on vacation. I actually have to restrain myself from making multiple posts per day just simply because I have nothing else to do with my time...I know...pathetic. promised, a post about smiles. :)

I was people watching in a coffeeshop about a week ago while I waited for the live music to begin and my friends to appear. As I watched friends interacting with each other, I enjoyed seeing them smile as they talked and enjoyed each others company.

As I watched smile after smile light up the room, I sat and I wondered what a smile is. I mean, I technically know what a smile is. It is the muscles in the face contracting to pull your lips up at the corners. But what is a smile...really?

When do we smile? I mean a true, all out, teeth showing, contagious smile...when do you see one of those? For me that happens when I am really happy. When I see a friend I haven't seen in a while. When I am truly delighted at something. When I watch someone else enjoying something I did for them. When I get good news. When I feel loved beyond all reason. When my heart is happy.

I think that therein lies the answer to my question. I believe a smile is when your heart is so full of joy and happiness that it cannot help but overflow onto your face in what we call a smile.

Today, let your heart overflow to someone else...give them a smile. Here's one from me :)

Peace out, my friends! And Happy Christmas Eve!!


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