a righteous prayer
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.
~ James 5:16-17
I serve a God of impossibilities. He has proven Himself to me so many times--times that He didn't have to prove Himself and yet did anyway because He is good and merciful. Because He has proven Himself, that is what I have come to expect out of Him.
I have seen the impossible, so I expect the impossible. Elijah was a man who experienced the impossible on a daily basis. The verses at the start of this post refer to 1 Kings 17 where Elijah prays that there will be no rain on the land as a punishment of a wicked king of Israel. During this time of drought, Elijah saw daily how God is a God of the impossible.
For starters, he was fed by ravens for a long time. Then when he had to move, he and a widow and her son were fed for the rest of the drought by a pot of meal and a jug of oil that miraculously never ran out. Then at the end of the drought, Elijah has a face-off with the prophets of Baal--which he wins by the way. Then he prays for rain. And the rain comes after 3 and a half years there is rain in the land again.
I'm praying for the rain to stop today. Just for today. Because I want people to see that God is God and there is none other who can stand beside Him. He is the one who has created the weather, and He is the only one who can control it. He made the sun stop in the sky so that Joshua could defeat the Amorites. (Johsua 10) He made the sun go back in the sky so that the shadow went back 10 steps (2 Kings 20).
God will be faithful, and He will always come through for His people. Believe today in the impossible--because God alone makes the impossible possible.
Peace and Mercy
~ James 5:16-17
I serve a God of impossibilities. He has proven Himself to me so many times--times that He didn't have to prove Himself and yet did anyway because He is good and merciful. Because He has proven Himself, that is what I have come to expect out of Him.
I have seen the impossible, so I expect the impossible. Elijah was a man who experienced the impossible on a daily basis. The verses at the start of this post refer to 1 Kings 17 where Elijah prays that there will be no rain on the land as a punishment of a wicked king of Israel. During this time of drought, Elijah saw daily how God is a God of the impossible.
For starters, he was fed by ravens for a long time. Then when he had to move, he and a widow and her son were fed for the rest of the drought by a pot of meal and a jug of oil that miraculously never ran out. Then at the end of the drought, Elijah has a face-off with the prophets of Baal--which he wins by the way. Then he prays for rain. And the rain comes after 3 and a half years there is rain in the land again.
I'm praying for the rain to stop today. Just for today. Because I want people to see that God is God and there is none other who can stand beside Him. He is the one who has created the weather, and He is the only one who can control it. He made the sun stop in the sky so that Joshua could defeat the Amorites. (Johsua 10) He made the sun go back in the sky so that the shadow went back 10 steps (2 Kings 20).
God will be faithful, and He will always come through for His people. Believe today in the impossible--because God alone makes the impossible possible.
Peace and Mercy
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