beauty instead of ashes

There is something completely irresistible about confidence. I love being around confident people because they are comfortable about who they are. They are sure of what they stand for, and they aren't swayed by the thought of the moment. They, in fact, allow others to be confident in their presence. Confident people give peace and rest to those around them because they don't depend on other people for their worth. When no one expects anything from you it allows you the freedom to be who you are.

I firmly believe that the most confident person to ever walk the earth was Jesus. He didn't care what everyone else thought of Him. He said things that needed to be said. He brought attention to problems that needed to be fixed. He was completely confident in who He was because His identity was found in His Father and He had confidence in who His Father was.

We are so far from that kind of confidence today. People don't know who they are. There is confusion about gender and the roles that accompany both genders.

I have the feeling if Jesus was walking the earth today He would have a few things to say about all of this. There are two genders, male and female. That is how God created us. We were both made in His image. We were made with completely different characteristics. Men and women are NOT the same. They never have been. They never will be. Yes, we are similar, but as much as we are similar we are different.

God made men to be leaders. He made them to be the head of the family. He made them to be strong, to be risk takers, to protect and defend.

God made women to be followers. He made them to have a domain, the household. He made them to follow after their husbands, to be life-givers, to be nurturing and caring.

Yet, today's society would have much to say about these "gender roles" and how incorrect they are. This makes my heart incredibly sad. There is so much that we miss out on by not embracing our gender, and the way God has designed us to be.

This subject is touchy as I mentioned earlier, and it is entirely too extensive to cover in one blog post, so I won't even try, but I will leave you with this thought.

What would our world look like if we actually embraced who we are called to be by the One who created us?

Peace and Mercy.


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