upset the fruit basket

There was this game that I liked to play in grade school called upset the fruit basket. Everyone was assigned a fruit and one person was "it". Then when whoever was it called out a fruit, whoever was that fruit had to get up and find a differenet seat with whoever was "it" trying to find a seat. Then just for fun if whoever was "it" called out "Upset the Fruit Basket" everyone had to get up and find a new seat.

So why am I telling you about this fantastically amazing game that I loved to play when I was younger? Because it is completely applicable to my life right now. Let me give you a short run down of the last couple of days...nope...that's too complicated...

I'll skip right to the end of the story. I just withdrew from graduate school. Yep, legit dropped all my classes and am no longer pursuing a graduate degree. And I am RELIEVED!!! I feel like a dark cloud that was hanging over me has dissipated, and I'm now standing in the sunshine.

H asked me over coffee this morning why it is that I think it didn't work out. I'm not entirely sure, but I have some inklings. I think part of it was that I got tired (and scared) of waiting on God's plan to become apparent, so I just went ahead with my own back-up plan: Grad School. I didn't know what else to do, so I did the only thing that seemed like a logical choice. The only problem with that is that God does not always operate in the realm of logic. He often picks the least likely option or the one we don't even see.

Next slice of news: I'm going to Nebraska tomorrow with my mum for a couple days to visit Grace Children's Home...and there is a possibility that I may be moving there to work for a year. I am eager to go and see if that is where God wants me. And if it isn't, I'm eager to see where He wants me down here (or if He wants me somewhere else). I feel like I was just given a new lease on life, and I just want to dance and jump about.

Right now I am just doing a happy dance inside of my heart that I don't have to go to classes any more. I am thrilled at the prospect of no more papers or tests or anything school related. I am excited to be able to focus on one thing instead of a thousand at once.

In other news:

My lovely sister got engaged this last weekend. Soooo happy and excited for her!!! I'm really excited to help her with all the little details like picking out her wedding dress, planning showers, etc. I'm thrilled to get to help her in this exciting time of her life.

And I got my car back on Saturday!!!!! :) I have been driving soooo much since then just because I love to drive my car, and Penny made me forget how much I love to drive. Driving should be a fun pasttime, Penny made it torture. But she has gone to the parent's house for some time in the car hospital. Next time she enters my life she should be somewhat better.

God gave me Psalm 111 to read this morning. Such wonderful verses, and such a good reminder that God is faithful and just and He will not fail ever. What a blessing to know that no matter what, I can never mess up God's plan!!

Well, I'm gonna not go to class now... :)

A song that seems to fit my life quite well right now:

Many the Miles
- Lee Ellen Starks (with Jen Rodick)

Peace and Mercy.


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