giving is beautiful
Have you ever done something nice just to do it? Something that no one will ever know it was know you will never get credit for it, but you do it anyway?
This is a true story of one day when K and N and I went to the library. We sat down in a reading cube and noticed that there was a scrap of paper wedged in between the cushion and the wall. N pulled it out and turned it around and this is what we saw...
Whoever put that there didn't know that we would pick it up and read it. They have probably never even met us, but it made our day. It put a smile on our faces and a spark of joy in our hearts. It makes me smile just recalling the experience. That person gave just a little bit of herself in order to show love to those around her.
Giving has been a topic of conversation of late among my friends. We are reexamining our views and beliefs and practices on giving. I know that in my life, I am discovering a shocking truth. It seems that the more I give, the more I have to give. Somehow, someway, whatever I give out seems to be replenished and I have more to give. Every time I give of myself and feel like I am going to be empty to my core, I am replenished, restored, refreshed and able to pour out more to those around me. Every time I give of my finances, I am blessed with more.
I would like to challenge you today to give in some way. It doesn't have to be something big (like anonymously giving someone a car). It doesn't even have to require monetary giving from you. It can be a giving of yourself to volunteer somewhere for a while. It can be leaving a random, encouraging note (like the one we found) somewhere you know people will find it. It could be giving to a charity (or an organization like TOMS Shoes). It could be for a friend or a stranger or a co-worker. Just give something to someone. And see if you don't agree that giving is beautiful.
A group of friends who give generously of their talents:
One Voice - Lee Ellen Starks, Jennifer Rodick, Kacey Dotson
Peace and Mercy.
This is a true story of one day when K and N and I went to the library. We sat down in a reading cube and noticed that there was a scrap of paper wedged in between the cushion and the wall. N pulled it out and turned it around and this is what we saw...
Giving has been a topic of conversation of late among my friends. We are reexamining our views and beliefs and practices on giving. I know that in my life, I am discovering a shocking truth. It seems that the more I give, the more I have to give. Somehow, someway, whatever I give out seems to be replenished and I have more to give. Every time I give of myself and feel like I am going to be empty to my core, I am replenished, restored, refreshed and able to pour out more to those around me. Every time I give of my finances, I am blessed with more.
I would like to challenge you today to give in some way. It doesn't have to be something big (like anonymously giving someone a car). It doesn't even have to require monetary giving from you. It can be a giving of yourself to volunteer somewhere for a while. It can be leaving a random, encouraging note (like the one we found) somewhere you know people will find it. It could be giving to a charity (or an organization like TOMS Shoes). It could be for a friend or a stranger or a co-worker. Just give something to someone. And see if you don't agree that giving is beautiful.
A group of friends who give generously of their talents:
One Voice - Lee Ellen Starks, Jennifer Rodick, Kacey Dotson
Peace and Mercy.
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