job satisfaction

Yesterday...I made pie. And I got paid to do it. How awesome is that?!?! I felt like I was just playing all day long. I'm really kind of starting to think I should have gone to culinary school. I still think I made the right decisions about college and all that, but I seriously love cooking and baking.

I love that my bosses are so incredibly affirming. They are so encouraging to me, and I want to work hard and do well for them because they are so encouraging. They see value in me and in what I do and how I conduct myself, and it makes me want to show them how valuable I am as an employee. I am blessed by the amazingness of my job. God really did give me the perfect job, and I love the way everything happened to bring me to this job. It could have been no one but Him orchestrating the entire thing, and I love that!!

Yet, sometimes I feel like I am still just playing grown-up. I can't believe the responsibility and the trust and faith they have in me. I look at myself, and I don't know that I see what they do. I feel so young sometimes, and at the same time I feel so old sometimes. It's weird. But I'm glad that they have such confidence in me and my skills and abilities, and I don't want to let them down. I don't know what is next for me, but I am loving what is happening right now.

Peace and Love.


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