so many thoughts

I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head right now...probably not the greatest because I want to go to sleep soon, but I'm tired enough it probably won't be a problem.

It has been a long day...a long two days, but so good. Last night, S, B, and I stayed at Nana and Papaw's house, so we didn't have to get up at some ridiculous hour of the morning to drive to the church we were speaking at this morning. I love staying at their house. It is so refreshing, and it's like stepping into another world--a good, wholesome, down-to-earth, still knowing what the good things in life are world.

It is a place where the old things and the old ways are treasured, with a healthy embrace of modern ways. It is a place where sitting down to visit is the top order of the day instead of checking your facebook and e-mail ten times every minute. It is a place where Sunday afternoon naps are still expected and appreciated.

It is a place for slowing down, for stopping and realizing that all the bustle and pressures of the world really can be ignored for a little while. In a world of bustle and hurry and time is money, this is a place where time is precious and every moment counts toward rewards in Heaven.

I realized that my someday children will never know what it's like to not have all the technology and conveniences that we have today. Don't get me wrong, I like my internet and being able to blog, but it just makes me a little sad that my children won't know a world without this because places like Nana and Papaw's are getting fewer and fewer each passing year. I think that's why I like going there so much.

Peace and Mercy.


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