cookies and cars

I realized today that if I understood cars as well as cookies, I would have very few problems in life that I couldn't fix. I would see what was wrong with my car. I would know how to fix it, and all would once more be right in the world. Alas, I do not understand cars as well as cookies, and I very much doubt that I ever will.

I have been pondering on many things lately. One of those things is serving. God has humbled my heart in regard to serving in the last couple of days. I pray that He would continue to do so. I made an appeal to some lovely ladies that we all need to serve more and better. Through preparing for that talk, I not only discovered what it is to have holy anger, but also was humbled because I think sometimes that I'm really good at serving others. I think that I sometimes feel I have arrived at being a good servant. I have not. We never arrive at that point. We never get to the point where we would be willing to serve in the way that Jesus served all of His life.

Something else that has been a recurring theme for me over the last couple of weeks is God's Faithfulness. I love reading the New Testament. I love the books that show how Jesus served and love and gave. I love the wisdom and advice of the epistles. But there is nothing like the Old Testament to reveal to me God's incredible and unending faithfulness. I just got into Deuteronomy, and something that has just really stuck out to me is when God tells the Israelites where they cannot settle. He says that they cannot settle there because He has given that land as an inheritance to so and so. God is always faithful to what He promises to everyone.

My sister is getting married very soon. I have tried not to talk about it much on here because my sister reads this blog (I love you!), but I just want to say that this is one of the most difficult and most wonderful things I have gone through. For the record, it is very difficult to watch someone so close to you get what you so greatly desire. I am not jealous of her because that implies that I want what she has, and that is not at all the case. I don't want what she has. I want for my love story to begin. This wedding has pulled at the great longings of my heart.

At the same time, this is one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I love my sister, and I am so very much excited for her to get married. She and her fiance are right. They fit. God has brought them together, and I pray for their marriage to be most glorifying to Him. I know that they are starting off right, and I am excited for them. I love my new brother, and I'm glad that he is going to be in our family for the rest of their lives. And I just have to add that I am excited about the prospect of nieces and nephews (soon, please?!).

Through all of this, I know that God has been at work on my heart, and more than anything I am sure of this one thing. God is all that I need. He is all that satisfies me. He is the only One who can fulfill the deep longings of my heart. This is the Truth that I am drawn back to time and time again. And it refreshes my soul.


  1. Preach it sistah! I so admire you! You are a great servant to those you love, but my admiration of you deepens at your teachable spirit! Thanks for a great reminder! I love you!


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