how then shall I live
I have not blogged lately, and I have no excuses to offer you. I simply have not felt like blogging when I have had the time to sit down and do it, so I haven't. Writing must come from my soul or it doesn't mean anything. I think that is one of the drawbacks of me working in a job where I interact with people all day long, by the end of the day I am spent, and I have nothing left to give or share until I return to the source of life and am replenished by Him.
I have had a verse rolling around in my head for the last couple of days from Micah. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
I was thinking over this verse in my quiet time this morning, and I realized that all three of these things have to do with the condition of my heart before God. God always comes back to the heart because that is what is unique about us from all the rest of His creation. He created us with hearts, with the ability to choose, with the ability to love. And He wants us to pick Him.
He wants us to choose to live justly, keeping our word and doing what is right. He wants us to love being kind and merciful to those around us, just as He is kind and merciful with us. But above all, He wants us to walk in humility and faithfulness with Him. This is my prayer, that I may do these things which are the only things He requires of me. I tend to find that if I seek to do these things, the rest of what I should do and what I'm supposed to do fall into line.
I have had a verse rolling around in my head for the last couple of days from Micah. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
I was thinking over this verse in my quiet time this morning, and I realized that all three of these things have to do with the condition of my heart before God. God always comes back to the heart because that is what is unique about us from all the rest of His creation. He created us with hearts, with the ability to choose, with the ability to love. And He wants us to pick Him.
He wants us to choose to live justly, keeping our word and doing what is right. He wants us to love being kind and merciful to those around us, just as He is kind and merciful with us. But above all, He wants us to walk in humility and faithfulness with Him. This is my prayer, that I may do these things which are the only things He requires of me. I tend to find that if I seek to do these things, the rest of what I should do and what I'm supposed to do fall into line.
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