
Showing posts from December, 2011

looking forward

I met a friend for coffee today as I drove home after a lovely five day holiday. A friend who parted ways with us last year about this time. It was a joy to meet up and to talk about where life has taken us in the past year. It hardly seems a year since we were all together, sitting around the same table and eating and laughing and sharing in each others lives. I look forward to the day when we will all be gathered at the great feast in heavenly courts, when there will be no more partings, but only rejoicing and celebration. As the new year approaches, I look forward to all that God has in store for this next year. I welcome this next season of life with arms open and a heart that is ready to embrace whatever God sends my way. May you be blessed as the new year approaches.

true joy

I got to be with all of my extended family on my mom's side of the family last night for Christmas celebrations. It was bittersweet for me. I loved getting to be with them all. I loved watching their children (my second cousins) open presents, the delight and joy on their little faces, the adorable way they gave hugs and kisses and said thank you and merry Christmas, the way they interact with one another. I loved giving back massages to my cousins and aunts and telling them about what I'm learning. I love that we had a family picture. . .which will be out of date in about two months when my next little cousin arrives. Only three times did I think about being the only person there by myself. Only once did I think about not having any children to join in the opening of presents. Like I said, bittersweet. I was reminded, though, My help comes from the Lord. (Psalm 121:2) When I got home and was having some quiet time before bed, I cried the tears that I held inside earlier. In th...

i know who i am

I am reminded today that my identity lies in Christ. I am reminded that I am an individual, an image bearer of the Almighty God who is from everlasting to everlasting. I am reminded that being married will not tell me who I am nor will having children. I am reminded of who I am. I am a princess of the High King. I am a royal daughter. I am a high priest before God. I am His Beloved. I am a Radiant Bride of a Heavenly Bridegroom. I am a well spring of life. I am passionate, beautiful, intelligent. I am a new creation. I am loved. I am His. It was a lovely reminder.

i've been thinking about. . .

I've been thinking of many things lately. God has surprised me with many little thoughts about ordinary things which point me back to Him over the last week.The one I keep coming back to is Christmas lights. It does no good to have Christmas lights on during the day because you can't see them. Lights only shine in the darkness. "In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it ." - John 1:4,5 Just a thought for this day. May God's light shine through us into whatever darkness we are in today.

Jesus is not Santa Baby

Through various circumstances I ended up not being on the schedule at work this week. It was a bit of a shock to come back to that after Thanksgiving, but it is yet again another instance of God knowing what I need more than I know what I need. I have picked up a couple of shifts this week, but it has been nice to decide when I want to work. It is another reminder that God is my Provider always. This was my first week of doing clinics two days in one week. I had a full day on Wednesday and a full day on Friday. In fact, I only have 2 openings before the first of the year. Needless to say I am busy and will be for the rest of December. So having this last week a little slower on the work side of things had really freed me up. For instance last night I had a spontaneous evening of hanging out with old friends who I don't get to see very often. It was such a blessing to my heart to be around them. It was like old times for a night, and it did me a world of good. Isn't that what ev...