looking forward
I met a friend for coffee today as I drove home after a lovely five day holiday. A friend who parted ways with us last year about this time. It was a joy to meet up and to talk about where life has taken us in the past year. It hardly seems a year since we were all together, sitting around the same table and eating and laughing and sharing in each others lives. I look forward to the day when we will all be gathered at the great feast in heavenly courts, when there will be no more partings, but only rejoicing and celebration.
As the new year approaches, I look forward to all that God has in store for this next year. I welcome this next season of life with arms open and a heart that is ready to embrace whatever God sends my way. May you be blessed as the new year approaches.
As the new year approaches, I look forward to all that God has in store for this next year. I welcome this next season of life with arms open and a heart that is ready to embrace whatever God sends my way. May you be blessed as the new year approaches.
Happy New Year!! I know God has special things planned for you in 2012!! :)