thoughts upon thoughts

There are so many things that I'm learning right now, so many thoughts swirling around in my head, so many new and different thoughts that challenge me and cause me to grow. But before I get into all that may I just say that Frank Sinatra makes my life infinitely better. Okay back to what God has been doing in my life. . .

I have been praying lately about embracing all of the elements of my femininity. I took a sexual wholeness class this last fall (one of my favorite Bible studies I have ever been in), and we talked about the five elements attached with femininity. They are mistress of the domain, helper/completer, lady of wisdom, lifegiver, and glory of man.

The lady who taught the class asked us what our favorite part of our femininity is. My favorite without a doubt is lifegiver. I love that I give life to those who are around me. I love that I have the ability to give life, that there is a stream of living water which flows from me. Anyway, I have really been wanting to fully comprehend and experience all of these elements in my life. Last week I was focusing on mistress of the domain, and God showed me many wonderful things about that.

This week I am focusing on glory of man. Woman is the glory of man. Man is the glory of God. I didn't say that; the Bible did.

"For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man." - 1 Corinthians 11:7-9

So what does that mean? It means that a woman can either bring glory to man or she can detract from man's glory. God formed man in His image.

On a side note: Did you realize that everything that was created God spoke into existence, except for you. You He formed with His very hands and breathed life into with His divine breath. Yes, there was touch at the beginning of life. How cool is that?!?!?!

Okay I'm back. Man shows the glory of God, but God said it was not good for man to be alone, so He created woman for man. Yes, woman is still here to glorify God and to serve Him, but one of the ways that she does that is by embracing her feminine beauty and dignity of bringing glory to man.

On another side note: this does not say wife is the glory of husband, but woman is the glory of man. A woman does not have to be married to bring glory to man.

Back again. I was praying about this and felt such a great desire in my heart to bring glory to the men in my life simply because they have been created in God's image. I felt God say two things very specifically to my heart about this. The first was that all the men in my life desire my good opinion (and for the most part they all have my good opinion, and definitely my respect). That is being the glory of man. When a man desires to have my good opinion that says that I am doing something right as a woman.

The second thing He showed me was a recollection of a conversation I had a couple nights ago. I was out celebrating the birthday of a guy friend, and it was me and three guys who I'm on various levels of friendship with. We were having a conversation, and during the course of the conversation I mentioned that I was a lady which one of the guys not only affirmed, but also said that I was not only a lady but a Proverbs 31 woman.

Yep. . .I about cried for the joy and goodness of the Lord. It is one thing to hear my girl friends say that, but quite another to hear it from a man. To realize that when men look at me that that is what they see was an incredibly uplifting and humbling experience. There was great fear and trembling before the Lord on my part.

These thoughts were quickly followed by my prayers that God would change my heart for it is out of the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks, and that He would bridle my tongue. I pray that I may always speak out of respect, encouragement and a desire to uplift my brothers.

So many other thoughts have been crowding into my mind as of late, but this blog post is already super long, so I'm going to sign off and say I'll talk to you again soon. . .plus my stomach is complaining that it wants to eat some supper. . .so until next time may God bless you and make His face to shine upon you.


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