true hospitality

I went for a run yesterday, and as I've had a lot on my mind lately, it helped me to clear the thoughts and sort through the muddle. As I was running, I was thinking about Mexico and the beauty that I experienced there, not just the physical beauty of the land, but the beauty of the people, the culture, and the lifestyle. 

the kitchen, a gathering place
 One of the things that I liked best about Mexico was the hospitality that I experienced there. See I like hospitality. I like to open my home to people. I like to cook dinner and enjoy their company and fellowship. But I have never experienced hospitality like what I experienced there. 
one of the lovely missionary ladies
 We spent six days in the mountains. During that time we were fed and housed by people who didn't know us. They knew the missionaries who we went with, but they had never met me before. All they knew was that I needed a bed to sleep in and a meal to eat. And they met my needs.

another missionary lady, cooking our dinner
 It didn't matter to them who I was or where I was from, what my past was or what my future is. It didn't matter what I could or couldn't do for them. They didn't do these things out of anything that they might gain aside from eternal treasure. What a beautiful gift to receive! 

And was was even more beautiful was the spirit in which the gift of hospitality was given to us. You could see in their eyes that to give this was a delight to them, that it brought great joy to open their homes and to bless others with what they had. I know few people in America who would be willing to open their home to a large group of total strangers and show them the kind of joyful hospitality that I received from a beautiful family in a third world country. I pray that I may ever learn more and more to practice true hospitality.


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