For the first time in a couple of weeks I feel like there is order in my life. My kitchen is clean and the dishes are all put away. The fridge and the freezer are both cleaned out with everything old thrown out. My laundry is all clean and put away. And sitting before God, my heart, soul and mind are also becoming ordered and aligned and cleaned as well. I really dislike chaos in my living environment because generally it reflects chaos in myself as well. I say generally because that's not always the case, just a majority of the time it is. This week has been difficult because last week I did not get my day off. I didn't get my break from life to sit and go through all my junk with God and get it all sorted for the coming week. That's never a good idea for me. As a result I have been in rough shape this week, but I am amazed at God's unending grace and patience with me, and I am overwhelmed at His faithfulness and very great blessings. He is so good and knows e...