I really can't believe how cool it is for being almost August. Rain helps, but still. I have been enamored with clouds lately. I can't seem to gaze at them enough. They just draw my attention and cause me to worship the Creator. My vacation is almost over. The day started with a nice long quiet time, followed by coffee and baking cookies, a little trip to town with my sister, making fish and rice for lunch, doing books, working on a project (which I will share with you at a later point). Prayer has been filling my days lately. Prayers for wisdom. Prayers for friends. Prayers for family. Prayers of surrender. Prayers for humility. Prayers for a quiet heart. Prayers for guidance. Prayers of praise and thanksgiving. Prayers of delight. Prayers of adoration. Prayers of silence. In two days I go back to hot weather, but the reprieve has been a blessing. I can only pray that rain will follow me home.