trust well placed

"I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage, wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:13,14

Yesterday morning when I was hanging out with God I felt Him whisper this promise into my heart. This is a promise that I have often felt Him give to me, but yesterday was different. Yesterday I felt like He was saying that I would see a fulfillment of that promise, that I would see His goodness in the land of the living. 

I had no idea all that was going to happen yesterday. I had no idea how I would see the goodness of the Lord, but I went about my day with that promise deep in my heart and fresh on my mind. 

God is so good and so faithful!! 

I took my licensing test, and I just flew through it. I passed, and not by a little. I was on the high end of the scale. I cried in the parking lot, tears of gratitude and thanksgiving, tears of love poured out. I cried because of the goodness of the Lord.

I got home from my test, and it rained, not just a light rain, but a deep, soaking, steady rain. I sat on my back porch and watched the rain fall down and praised God because He is faithful to answer our prayers. Our dry and weary land found rest in the rain. 

Yesterday I cried out to God that I had no idea of how I was going to be financially okay (quitting my job and not having a job for a month probably wasn't the best financial decision I could have made. ..oops!). And yesterday, He miraculously provided more than enough to sustain me.

The peace that fills my heart and soul is overwhelming. I cannot even begin to describe it. I suppose that is why it is the peace that surpasses all understanding. Deep joy is there also. I rejoice even though I don't have the words to say. 

Then I realized that yesterday was a day of remembrance for me. You see four years ago on July 9th I set up a memorial. I didn't realize it at the time, but that day is a day that changed my life. That day God started remodeling my life, and He hasn't stopped since then. That day was a day that He promised me I would see His goodness, but I didn't know then what that would look like because trust me it didn't look very good at the time. 

I am overwhelmed at the goodness of God, at His love and mercy, at His strength and power. I am overwhelmed at how He is able to redeem all things and all situations. I am overwhelmed at how He takes every experience, good and bad and weaves them together in His grand and glorious plan for good. 

I am here today to tell you, past all cliches, that God is good all the time. He is more than able to do all things. Trust in Him.   


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