
Running is for me the most deeply personal form of worship that I can express. It is complete worship for me, body, mind, soul and spirit. It is a total submission to God, a laying aside of myself that nothing else quite achieves. Which is, at the very heart of it, what worship truly is--surrender.

Running has shown me that it truly is possible to worship in every circumstance, in every state of mind, in every emotion because I have ran through all of them. I have ran through anger, despair, hurt, exhaustion, sorrow, anguish, pain, desperation, apathy, peace, joy, happiness. In everything I have found a place of worship through surrender in running.

Running has not only been worship for me, but it has been a working out of my salvation (Philippians 2:12). I have worked through some of my hardest questions and deepest issues while running. I have found deep healing through running. I have cried. I have laughed. I have probably cursed (just being honest here). And I have found deep peace.

I have had some amazing runs. I have had some truly horrible runs. I have had runs that were mediocre. But every single one of them was worship poured out before God, and by His grace I have finished strong every time, pressing forward to the end.

A wise man once told me that running is the act of continuously falling forward. It is my prayer that I many continuously fall forward into the arms of the One who loves me for all of my days, and that on that very last run, I shall press forward to the goal, finishing strong to the very end.


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