on getting married
My generation seems to struggle with the idea of getting married. There are usually two extremes. There are the ones who are so terrified of commitment that they will do everything including living together to avoid actually making a lasting commitment with someone. Then there is the opposite end of that spectrum where you have the people who want so badly to get married that they will end up making bad decisions and getting married just to get married. And of course there is the whole spectrum in between, but for the most part the people in my generation tend to error either on the side of "I'm never getting married" or "I'm getting married as soon as possible." Even within the church we have this tension about marriage. We just make it sound different, holier, more God focused if you will. "Well, I'm not sure that God has called me to be married." "I think I'm called to be single for God." "I'm definitely called to b...