seasons of faithfulness

Several years ago, I felt God impress upon my heart the need to embrace the seasons, all of them, even winter. It's easy for me to like spring, summer, and fall. I don't have a problem with any of them. Winter is much more difficult to embrace. 

Winter is cold, dreary, bleak, dead, and a hundred more unappealing adjectives. And it always seems to last forever (can I get an Amen?). 

But I really felt like God wanted me to learn to embrace the seasons. After all I can't control them, so I might as well learn to live at peace with them. 

What many people don't realize is that the seasons are evidence of God's faithfulness. After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah and all of his descendants (by the way that includes all of us!) that "While the earth remains,seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night,shall not cease."*

When I choose to embrace the seasons, I choose to delight in the faithfulness of God in keeping His covenants. As the leaves turn colors around me and the earth cools, I glory in the season that is distinctly fall. And I rejoice in the Creator of this season which will give way to the next season which will give way to the next season. 

Isn't it beautiful to see creation doing what it was made to do?!?! And how great is the faithfulness of God in continually bringing these things to pass!! 

My prayer for you today is that whatever season (literal or figurative) you find yourself in that you would find the faithful, covenant God in that season. 

*See Genesis 8:22 I referenced out of the ESV translation of the Bible.  


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