i am small

As I eluded to in my first post, people generally tend to think of savoring as having to do with food, and while that is a good sense of the word, and one that I will most likely cover at some point in this month, to limit savoring to just food is to lose the fullness and impact of the practice. 

Savoring is about enjoying your life right here, right now. It is about picking out the little moments that cause your soul to sigh and come alive. To be fully alive in a moment is to truly have eternal life. 

This video made my soul come alive. It was a reminder that I am small, and God is infinitely more than I am. It was a reminder that He has a plan and a purpose. It was a reminder that He cares for me, that I am loved beyond anything I can imagine, that I am a beloved daughter of God. 

I'm not sure that that was the intent of this video, but that is the beauty of savoring. Moments to savor can be found everywhere in every medium. I hope that you find something unexpectedly today that causes you to stop in wonder and savor. Blessings.

*You can find all of my 31 days posts by clicking the label #write31days at the bottom of this post. 


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