Be Glorified in My Blindness

I love my GAL sisters. I love the organization. I love the people. I love the fun we have. I love how everyone is always there for you. I love that if you are having a bad day, there is someone there to listen, give you a hug, buy you a brownie, and pray for you. I love that when I have ankle problems one of my GAL sisters, A, is there to look at it and tell me what I need to be doing to help fix the problem. I love that God has given us the Body with each of us performing a different service so that we can minister to each other from our special areas of expertise.

See I know next to nothing about what to do for my ankle, but A on the other hand loves helping people with things like this. A's best friend, S, isn't gifted at economics, but I on the other hand am, and I love helping people understand it. I love that with my job as a tutor I also get the chance to love on and be interested in the lives of students who I would probably never have contact with otherwise.

Never doubt that God knows what He is doing. He has a place for each of us. He has a plan so big that it defies imagining and allows room for each and every person to fit in a place that is perfect for them. God took a young Jewish girl named Hadassah and put her in the position of a Queen so that she might save the Jewish people from disaster. When she became Queen Esther I doubt that she knew what was ahead of her, but God put her in a place that was perfect for her.

I was reminded today of the story from John where Jesus heals the man who was blind from birth. The disciples are looking for someone to blame for this man's misfortune. They asked if the man or his parents were the sinners. Jesus tells them that they are missing the big picture. This man was put at the place and condition that he was so that God's glory might shine through him.

I am where I am right now for a reason, for a purpose because where I am right now is where God has put me so that His glory might shine brightest in my life. Sometimes we have to be made blind for God to be glorified. It is my prayer that God may be glorified in my blindness.

So wherever you are right now, whatever is going on, just remember God has you there for a reason, a purpose. You may be blind for 40 years, but that is only so that God may be glorified all the more through that. Embrace the place that God has you right now, and share that with others. May God be glorified!!

"Father, glorify Your Name!" John 12:28

Listen to some classical's good for the soul...or jazz...that's good too!!


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