Dried Fruit, Heaven and Show Tunes

I am currently eating dried fruit, icing my ankle, and listening to the rain outside my window. Dried fruit is extremely difficult to find without sugar in it. This fact just astonishes me. Fruit for the most part is sweet, so when you dry it does it suddenly lose some of its sweetness? Especially mango and pineapple. Those are both very sweet fruits, so why on earth do they add sugar to them!?!? It almost makes me want to get a food dehydrater and start making my own dried fruit.

Almond Butter, however, makes me excessively happy. It is simply delightful!! And does not have sugar in it!! Something else that I have discovered that is changing my world is Hazelnut Milk. Yep! Delicious!! And also no sugar!

Yes, I am on an anti-sugar kick. Sugar is so bad for you, and there are so many other ways to fulfill sweet cravings than to load up on lots of processed sugars and preservatives that are found in most foods. An excellent substitute for sugar...honey. So much better for you and just as sweet and it is a naturally occuring sugar instead of a processed sugar.

So my friend, K, and I were talking about heaven and show tunes today, and it gave me such a wonderful laugh. In the course of the conversation, I also realized something else that I have never really thought about before.

I have a guy friend, L, who is very flirty and touchy feely. And when I'm around him, that is just how I act in response. I am never really self-conscious about it until I am no longer around him, and I start thinking about what we did or said, and then I start thinking about how other people would see that. However, this is what I realized today. In this hypersexualized (to use a Connally Gilliam word) society in which we live, people might start speculating and be suspicious of this kind of behavior, but it is really just fun, natural affection between people who enjoy one another's company.

My friend is his laid back behavior towards all of this has in return freed those around him to have a care free and laid back attitude towards it as well. It is refreshing to me to be able to have physical touch from the people I love and care about without having to worry about the sexual aspect of it. I wish we could all be a little more laid back and just enjoy expressing Christ's love in all of it's forms including giving hugs and backrubs.

I think this is just yet another example of how the world tries to prevert something that is good and Godly. In today's society, if a guy and a girl exchange hugs frequently or give each other a kiss on the cheek, everyone automatically suspects that there must be something between them. I have thought that myself, but that is not how God intended for it to be. That is something the world tells us, so it cannot be from God.

God says love one another, and physical touch is one of the ways to express love. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way saying that guys and girls should go make out to express God's love, but I just think we tend (or at least I have tended) to be very adverse to physical touch, especially from men.

Anyway just some thoughts...


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