"It may not be the way I would have chosen"

I feel like I am on a path that is not of my choosing...and yet at the same time it is. I realize that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I feel like my life doesn't make a whole lot of sense at times.

I asked God to make my heart His own. And He is doing that, but not in a way I would have chosen.

I asked God to refine me. And He is doing that, but not how I would expect Him to.

I asked many things of Him, and I gave Him every part of me. I'm realizing that I had a lot of expectations of how my life would look after I gave it over to Him, but He is taking me down a path I would never have chosen, and that's His right because my life is not mine but His.

Unfortunately that is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. I used to have a plan for my life of how I wanted it to look, how I wanted it to go. Almost nothing I planned for myself is looking like it will become a reality at this time.

All I know is that God's timing is perfect, mine isn't, God's plan is perfect, mine isn't. God sees the whole big picture, I just see a tiny little section of it.

With my whole heart I pray that God would take my life and use me for His Glory because ultimately nothing else matters. He will accomplish His goals and He will be glorified. Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that He is Lord. He will reign for all eternity and He will be the object of our worship forever and ever.

Therefore I pray as Jesus prays in John Father, Glorify Your Name!

And no matter what way He takes me, I will follow and I will seek to worship Him and give Him glory with every breath in my lungs and every beat of my heart.

God's plan, not mine.
God's way, not mine.
God's timing, not mine.


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