One of those days...

Everyone has those days...the ones where you wish you didn't have to wake up in the morning. The ones where you go through the entire day and feel like you never quite catch up. The ones where you feel like you are running on half speed the entire time and you can't switch into high gear. Yep today was one of those days.

Dad and I ran this morning...and I ran really slow today, and I couldn't seem to speed up for anything. I went to work at 11:15 and I just couldn't quite seem to snap out of it. I came home and tried to start a sewing project, and everything seemed to be going wrong, so I took a 15 minute nap, had some coffee, and went back to work.

Work tonight was better. My paycheck is going to be really nice this time, and I finally seemed to be getting with the program tonight. And then I looked at the clock and it was only 6:00. We hadn't even seated the second round people and I was ready to be done. Although the night seemed to drag on, it was fun.

Now I'm just waiting to be skyped in for L's gig tonight at PoHo. It will be great to hear her for a little while. And then I'm going to hang with Jesus some more and go to bed.

Today has also been one of those days when I have just really wanted a boy in my life. I'm not sure exactly why. Today isn't really any different than any other day, but this is just one of those things that comes and goes with me as quick as a flash. One minute I'm perfectly happy and the next I want a boy and the next I'm back to being fine again. I am such a mystery to myself. I'm so glad that God has me all figured out.

I have been getting caught up on my reading the last couple of days. I finished two books, and I'm starting two more, but it's nice to have my book pile shrink...even if it's just momentarily. I have this dream that I will one day finish all the books in my book pile...that dream has yet to be realized.

I think that's all for now...peace!


  1. Hope you're enjoying Lee Ellen. She's pretty fab. I totally had a few of those days back to back earlier this week and I was a wreck... this song always reminds me of days like that...

    okay... it won't let me post a link.

    The song is "Can't Get It Right Today" by Joe Purdy.

    Listen to it... it rocks.


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