Delicious Moments

You know those moments...the ones where you are perfectly happy and content...the ones you want to freeze and stay in forever...the ones that make you sigh from somewhere deep inside where you didn't even realize that you were holding your breath. I had one of those tonight. I was in my favorite place in the whole world, surrounded by people I care deeply about and just so peaceful and happy and content that I just felt the inner core of myself sigh. D and L were playing guitar, and it was just such a perfectly delicious moment.

I'm sure that the wonderfulness of the moment was made possible by the last several days of just lovely non-stressed living. I love when I get to look at my calendar and just see normal every day activities and not 10,000 other things that have to be accomplished as well.

This morning when I went for my run it was very chilly outside...I could see my breath...that's just gross!! I wore a long sleeved shirt for the first time when running this morning. I'm telling you it was cold!! Today was also the first day that I have really wanted to wear shoes and socks...simply because my feet were freezing!

Tonight in my abnormal psych class we talked about depression, bipolar disorder and suicide. This was a subject that hit close to home for me because I have some personal experience with this. After tonight I can definitely say that I have struggled with this, and all that I can say is that God is Good! He has a plan for our lives. His will is good and true and perfect. And He protects His Beloved. He is so good!!! I am so glad that I am here today.

I'm expecting my new running shoes in the mail tomorrow, but I think I will run in my old ones tomorrow because it is supposed to rain, and I don't want to run in my new ones in the ran yet.

I am really not excited about winter...although today I got excited for Christmas carols. I also want to make hot chocolate with a twist...we'll see how that goes.

Any way...I'm falling asleep typing this, so I need to get to bed...



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