made for something more

Sometimes I get that know the one where you have to just do something...go somewhere...try something new...I think the best explaination I have every found for it is in the movie Chocolat where they move with the wind. That's how I feel. I move with the wind.

Lately I have just had this feeling that there is more to life than what I have been living. There has to be something more. My feet are itching...I'm ready to go...somewhere new...see new people, new places, new things, have new experiences. Somewhere deep inside of me I am just aching to go.

I don't just want ordinary life - I want extra-ordinary life. I think that part of me would be content to settle into a normal, quiet existence, to do all the small, comfortable things in life.

But then there is this other part of me that refuses to be tamed. It is the part of me that will not settle down...ever. It is the part of me that refuses to compromise. It is the part that longs to be a part of something bigger than myself. It is the part that cannot be satisfied with a quiet life. It is the part of me that dares to do dangerous do the things that make me feel most do the things in life worth do the things that most people would consider running a marathon...

That's the wild part of me. And it is that part of me that chooses to believe that God has made me for more than just a quiet life. I believe that God has a bigger plan for my life than I could ever come up with, and I look forward to living that out.

I want to live life embracing the promises that God has given me. I want to live out of a place of hope. I want to truly live life as God intended for me to live it...with passion and purpose.



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