I'm a Marathoner!!!

Wow! It still hasn't sunk in...I'm not sure it ever really will. My friends are helping me with it as much as possible because they keep telling me that.

Most of the run I don't really remember. You get in the zone and just keep going. My dad ran the first half with me and it was amazing to be able to talk with him and enjoy the run with him.

Most of what I remember is the finish line. I will never forget coming around the last corner on the course and seeing the sign "26 miles down... .2 to go!" I'm crying even now as I think about it. I started crying then. That was the only time during the entire run that I was out of breath because I was choaking back sobs as I was running.

Then I came around the corner of the building and saw the finish line. Then I saw my Dad and my sister. My Daddy is so awesome!! He was standing there waiting for me with his finisher's medal around his neck. I remember being so proud and so determined at the same time. By now I was sprinting. As soon as I saw the finish line I was sprinting...kicking in a gear I didn't know I had in me. That's the God gear.

I remember hearing the song: "We fall down, we lay our crowns, at the feet of Jesus." What a perfectly appropriate song to hear at that moment. I remember hearing the announcer saying: "I'm not sure what we have going on here (because by this time my dad and sister had joined me in running the last bit to the finish line)...but you don't have to sprint...unless you want to."

I don't remember seeing anyone else. I was so focused on the finish line. I was so focused on God. That's probably the single most intense moment of my life. I crossed the finish line and it was a good thing my dad and sister were there because otherwise I probably would have fallen down.

Then I saw my friends and the rest of my family and then my dad and I cried together for a long time. We finished...we actually finished.

As I was running, God told me something that people need to understand. We are capable of far more than we can ever imagine because nothing is impossible for God. In fact He likes to do impossible things so that we will know He is God. Don't allow yourself to be limited because everyone and everything around you tells you that you cannot do something. With God you have power and ability far surpassing anything you can ever imagine.

My impossible was running a marathon...on November 1, 2009 the impossible happened. I can't wait to see what's next.


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