Water Works

I lost it during the response time during church today...I was sobbing like crazy, and it was really good. I feel like that is all I have done lately - cry, but still it was really good. My heart has been so sore lately - broken over the condition of the world, over my own frustrations, over my friends problems.

I should have known that this was coming. Last week was such a crazy spiritual high, I should have expected the crash, and I did expect it, just not in the way that it happened. It has been a rough week since then. I have felt like God isn't doing anything in my life (I know, crazy, since I ran a marathon for Him a week ago), but nevertheless I have been feeling like I have taken these extraordinary leaps of faith and nothing has happened as a result.

H reminded me this morning that just because I can't see things happening, doesn't mean that they aren't. God is working, and I can't wait to see what He reveals when the time comes.

"Father, glorify Your Name." John 12:28


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