God is Good. The End.

A dear friend is getting married. She was my freshman Bible study leader. She introduced me to GAL. She works at PoHo...and she's marrying a young man she met there.

I like to take a little credit for it, because another friend and I "prayed it into existence". Now we realize that all of this probably could have come about without our prayers, but we did pray intensely for it for a long time. Someday I guess we'll know how much influence we actually had in it...until then...we'll take credit. :)

She is getting married one week from today. And tonight I'm helping throw her bachelorette party. It's gonna be a good time...and hopefully we will be able to embarrass her along the way...just a little bit. CB be warned. ;)

God is Good. He brought these two young people together, and my prayer for them is that He will be glorified through their marriage.

Now as much I as like to take credit for them getting together, God still would have been Good if they hadn't gotten together.

See the thing about God and His Goodness is that it always exists through all things. There has only been one man that I ever thought I would marry...I mean really thought I would marry...not just the I-could-marry-Him thoughts, but the I'm-going-to-marry-this-man thoughts.

Obviously I am still single, so I did not marry that man. Is God any less Good? No...He's still the same. He is still Good. And even through the pain of that situation, I still claim that it was Good. I firmly believe that God placed that man in my life for a purpose, and everything God gives is Good.

"You give and take away...still my heart will choose to say: Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!" - Blessed be the Your Name (Tree63)

God is Good when He gives. God is Good when He takes away. And in All things He works for Good. He can't help it...because that's Who He is!

God is Good to the end.
God is Good. The End.


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