Praise Him

I am sick...not the I could still go about life and just not feel well, but the I'm running a high temperature, feel like my head is going to explode, achy, nasty kind of sick. If I had to guess, I would say that stress and not enough sleep have brought this on. At least I have nothing that I need to do because I'm on vacation, and I'm also where my mummy can take care of me. I hate being sick when I'm not around my mum.

Last night as I lay on the couch and watched as Mum made chicken noodle soup, I just had this strong feeling that I needed to praise God despite not feeling well. I was supremely convicted because I feel like I do a good job of praising when all is well, but that isn't my reaction when things aren't going well (i.e. when I'm sick).

I am trying to praise Him through this, and yet it is difficult...I turn into a big baby when I get sick.

I'm just glad that God is still God. He is still good. He is still faithful. He is still sovereign. He is still all-knowing and all-powerful. He is still right here with me. He will never leave me nor forsake me no matter what the circumstance. He is still the source of life and rest and refreshment. He still hears me and sees me. He still knows me. He is still Love. He is still holy.

He hasn't changed just because my circumstance has. I praise Him for that. I praise Him for being unchanging, consistent, everlasting. I praise Him for chicken noodle soup, for mamas, for ginger ale, for time to rest and recuperate, for life.

God is good, and I will praise Him for He alone is worthy of praise.


  1. Baha! Have I ever told you how much I admire you for your heart for Jesus? Cause it's a freaking lot.

    Love you! Feel better!

    Thanks for listening to me talk about skittles today :-)


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