Thin Mint Cookies and French Press

It's gross out...rainy and cold. I really am trying to overcome my issues with winter and cold, but it is a serious struggle for me. Days like today I just don't want to leave my house. I want to curl back up under my snuggly covers and read a book all day long. I want to drink lots of hot tea and bake cookies...I do not want to go to class and work and be out in this nastiness.

The thing is if it were summer and rainy like this I would love to go out. It would be warm and I would not wear any shoes and I would have a fantastic time. But it's not summer. If I went out with no shoes my feet would be even more frozen than they already are. Sigh.

I just blogged for the first time on the Magdalene Project blog. Check it out.

Well, I need to get to some school work. Peace out girl scout...get it thin mint cookies, girl


  1. I love you

    and girl scout cookies...


  2. ugh, me too. rain makes me want to hide inside with a gigantuous mug of Sinless and a good book. well, we'll just have to have some chill time at Potter's today =) love you much!!

  3. Want to trade places? It's been about 80 degrees for the past week where I am. I LOVE cold, and I love cold and rainy! It's been rainy here..but warm and humid. Yuck!

  4. Hannah: (:

    Connally: Yay for chill time at PoHo!!! Sorry I didn't make it to your office hours today.

    Lauren: Yes Please!!! 80 sounds like heaven!!


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