
I dislike when people just assume things about me. There are probably a handfull of people who actually know me, so when people think that they know me and they don't it just kind of pisses me off. I like talking to people because they are like puzzels, and I love when I figure the puzzel out. I love putting the pieces together to form a more complete picture of who someone is. I love friendships with people for that reason of learning about who they are, but any relationship the other person must be willing to allow you to put the pieces together.

I'm not saying I want to know the deep dark secrets of every single one of my friend's lives, but I do want to know what motivates them, why they make decisions that they make, what drives them to do things they do. And that does require getting past the surface level of life. I have an aquaintance (yes, I am willfully choosing to avoid using the word friend) who is unwilling to go past the superficial. This same person, however, is willing to make all kinds of assumptions about everyone else and presumes to know all about people. Wake up call: You cannot ever know someone else until you know yourself.

Anyway...just a bit of a rant. Don't make assumptions about me because when you just make an ass out of u and me. And rant finished...


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