I can't do this alone...God, I need you to hold onto me

Let me just tell you about the last approximately 24 hours of my life. Last night ( I guess technically it's now Friday so it would actually be Wednesday night not Thursday night), I got home from Bible Study and just a fantastic evening at PoHo in general, and I got a letter from the Communications Department. I opened it, and there was my acceptance letter to the graduate communications department. As I'm sure you can imagine lots of screaming and jumping up and down and excitement ensued. It was an incredible moment for me, even though I was quite sure that I would be accepted into the program, I was still so excited.

I woke up Thursday morning still reveling in the excitement and happiness of the previous evening, and was almost late to my 9:30 class. Class let out early, like usual, so I worked on my homework for my econ class...which was research...possibly my least favorite thing to do on earth...it ranks right in there with cleaning out the fridge. There are very few things that I actually passionately dislike doing...cleaning out the fridge and doing research are among them. Anyway...I completed the assigned task, and I got some materials ready to ask people to give me references for applying for a GA position.

After my econ class, I asked my advisor (who is also my professor and my boss) if she would be willing to fill out a reference form for me. And...

She went off on me for 5 minutes about how I can't go to grad school at MSU and how I can't go to school for communications because that is wasting my abilities. She was very upset that I don't want to leave Springfield, and basically she was just trying to tell me what I should be doing with my life.

Being a words of affirmation person...this was very difficult for me to take. Honestly it was very painful to me even though this is a person whose opinion doesn't really matter to me. I respect her professionally, but I do not respect her personal life choices.

I know that she just wants the best for me, but she has her own version of what's best for me, and it does not line up with my version of what's best for me. That was a little intense, and I was rather upset and frustrated after that happened.

I almost skipped my last class, but I'm glad I went because the professor gave us extra credit for going to class. Sometimes it completely pays to be responsible. So then I had a fantastic lovely evening at PoHo...it was super chill and fun.

Then God had a few little blessings in store for me. I stayed and talked with S as he finished cleaning the kitchen, and it was such a good conversation (honestly what conversation with him isn't good?!). And it was also just so encouraging to me because he just had some incredibly encouraging words for me. I think it meant twice as much because it was coming from him. He never says anything unless he means it, so that was so awesome and humbling at the same time. He also reminded me that people watch the way we live our lives, and that challenged me to make sure that I continue to live life in a manner that is worthy of my calling.

And then just such a blessing as I was getting ready to walk out to my car after we finished cleaning, he volunteered to walk me to my car. I didn't have to ask, he just offered it. It is such a blessing to know that there are still men who are willing to offer to do that.

Well, after this day, I am emotionally and physically drained...so I'm gonna get some sleep...peace out yo!


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